Your Support Would Mean So Much
Be GenerousDear Friends,
Leadership Harrisburg Area is developing community leaders, business leaders, and thought leaders. Most importantly, though, we are developing Servant Leaders. Servant Leaders have a ripple effect around them. They care about making a difference and want to develop others to make a difference too.
Servant Leaders focus on listening, empathy, humility, and relationship building~traits that are sometimes lost in an increasingly automated world. Servant Leaders are driven by values and look to find value in every person around them. When people feel valued, they value what they do, and they will produce better work both on the job and in the community.

In all of the Capital Region, there is no other school, community program or business organization dedicated to developing leaders quite like Leadership Harrisburg Area. And that’s why we are asking for your support. Please help Leadership Harrisburg Area in our efforts to develop Servant Leaders for important roles in their businesses, community groups and our local government. Although some Servant Leaders are recognized by their large scale efforts, for every 1 that is recognized, hundreds of Servant Leaders are quietly shaping their worlds by developing others around them~and their efforts may never be known.
Leadership Harrisburg Area needs your support to perpetuate the development of Servant Leaders and grow the Capital Region’s base of community, business, and thought leaders. By investing in LHA with a monetary gift, you will fuel our programs whereby fueling a unique platform for people to work on teams; exercise their leadership skills; engage in respectful discourse; and find value in people from all different walks of life.
I hope that you will consider Robert Greenleaf’s lasting words when he said:
All that is needed to rebuild a community… is for enough servant leaders to show the way, not by mass movements, but by each servant leader demonstrating his own unlimited liability for a quite specific community-related group.
Thank You!
Una Martone, ‘07
President & CEO
The official registration and financial information of Leadership Harrisburg Area may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.